Monday, January 18, 2010

a 'cerclage' for my pregnant daughter

and she's really unhappy. How do I stay out of what is my daughter and her husband's business and not say 'well, what I've heard is..' and 'I was talking to Auntie So&So and she said...:".

My eldest daughter S. is 19 and a half weeks pregnant and has a very short soft cervix. Didn't get it from me or else I would have more info to give her.

She was told this at 13 weeks that it was a great possibility that she would go into early labour and lose Bub who is very healthy and on track health wise. Needless to say they are on tenterhooks and every cramp and sore back is put down to contractions. I think that ligaments are softening and that this naturally can cause some pain.

She has just had 2 stitches put in her cervix and has been told to keep working (she is a Nurse) and not bother with bed rest, because what will happen will happen. I say that is irresponsible on the Doctor's part. I will ring tonight to see how she is feeling, mentally and physically.


  1. I agree that it is irresponsible to the Doctor.

    I have had 3 Shirodkar sutures put in (placed at 12 weeks each time) and then orders were to take it easy and rest whenever I can. As it was, with my first one I ended up in hospital for a 13 day stay around 30 weeks because my cervix was trying to open.

    I hope all goes well for her.

  2. Sorry, just noticed date.
    I hope it all went well :)
